do you like comic books? do you like movies? do you like movies based on comic books? if you've answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in seeing the trailer for the new upcoming Marvel comic live action movie of your favorite blond haired, blue eyed, hammer wielding, lightning bolt throwin, god of thunder, the mighty THOR! now Marvel has a way of really screwing up their movie adaptations of popular comic book characters and i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this is another turd in the Marvel universe's punchbowl of hero flicks...but regardless, i will still watch (possibly in disbelief) as another one of my favorite characters gets raped by the soulless executives in Hollywood...they have to know that whether the movie is good or bad, all of the die hard fans are still gonna go see it, so go ahead and just feed us any old garbage Hollywood, and most likely we'll come back, begging for more...i know that Stan Lee has more integrity than to release just any bullshit movie and expect fans to be happy about it, but then again, didn't they make a Daredevil movie?, with Ben Affleck? maybe i should stop right there....but judging from the trailer, this new film doesn't look as horrible as the aforementioned atrocity, but it definitely doesn't look as good as i would have hoped...whats with the casting on all of these movies?!! who the fuck makes the final decision on what actor is gonna play Thor, or any of the other title characters?! i would like to know, so that i could ask for this persons resignation and then apply for the job myself....i for one would not cast some scrawny goofball to play the role of the god of thunder!! also, i wouldn't have cast Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in all the X-Men movies either (although i do admit, he did an outstanding job) it should have been Glenn Danzig...he would have been perfect...hes short, has a body that looks to be full of steroids and rage, and most importantly he already had the sideburns to totally pull off the look....if you don't agree, just watch the Danzig video for "Mother" and tell me thats not the perfect Wolverine on the just sayin....but anyway, lets all pray to whatever god you believe in, that this movie isn't a total bust...i hate to say it but the coolest looking part is at the very end of the trailer when the Sentinel appears...that has to be some obvious foreshadowing of the full length live action Avengers movie that will be made after this film comes out... hey Marvel! how about a Death's Head movie?, or maybe an adaptation of one of the 2099 titles? but please, for the love of Thor, make it gritty, dark, sinister, and bloody....or did Disney cut off your balls when you sold out?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mafia (2010)

this was recommended to me by another super cool metalhead dude and i would like to thank him because what we have here is a new wave of death metal...just the blast i needed to restore my faith in a somewhat dying, overcrowded, boring, genre of music that i've kind of gotten burnt out on, to be quite honest....but this band totally melts your face off with super fast riffs, technically precise guitar work, perfectly produced drums, and heavy growling vocals that are somewhat reminiscent of Suffocation until he decides to break out the clean vocals...wait, i know what you're thinking....clean vocals? what the hell?!...and i agree, that usually ruins it and i end up turning off the cd or skipping to the next track...but wait!! this shit isn't weak! i promise you....yeah he gets a little high pitched for a second and i start to think that the ghost of Ronnie James Dio has come to harvest my soul for shoplifting his Rainbow In The Dark album 9 years ago....but the vocals actually fit well with the music, surprisingly enough, and the clean vocals are used so sparingly that it gives the album a more textured sound but doesn't water it down in the least bit...this shit is pretty brutal, i must say...i like it....give it a listen and then go to the nearest Chinese buffet and eat as much octopus and Cthulhu spawn as you can stomach....i hear if you eat enough calamari, you'll start to grow tentacles, and those things could come in handy...or tentacally? a one man band performing live wouldn't seem so hard....dammit CTHULHU!!! why don't i have tentacles?!!!
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