Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Horror High

so i've been pretty busy lately...doing what you ask? none of your goddamn business, suffice to say, i haven't had much time for blogging lately...i would apologize but i know that no one cares, myself included, so im not sorry....anyway, heres a little poem i wrote about two of my favorite things...Lovecraft and getting fucked up....its called Horror High...i hope ya hate it...

so you've been wondering what to do with the rest of your rotten life
you're sick of everything and you'll never find a wife
but before you go ahead and kill your stupid fucking self
let me show you how to best play the hand that you've been dealt

smoke weed and worship Cthulhu
take a shot of Jager and hail Pazuzu
crack open a beer and make a toast to Yog Sothoth
snort a line of powder in the name of Azathoth
drop a hit of acid and reach the top of Kadath
share a joint with Randolph Carter
and make the ancient dreamer cough
watch the Colours Out Of Space
as they swirl in the sky
hitch a ride with a Night-Gaunt
and get really fucking high!

take a boatride down to Innsmouth
and inspect the local pubs
party with the Deep Ones
you know them fish-frogs got the nuggs

tripping fucking balls
you reach the Plains Of Leng
here you'll come to witness
The Thing That Should Not Be
all sanity has been lost
and theres only one hope
summon the mighty Windwalker
Ithaqua bring the coke!

now you're racing across the frozen tundras of Hyperborea
Cthulhu fused, drug induced, Lovecraftian euphoria

Friday, November 4, 2011

R.I.P. Flattus Maximus

so yet another musician that matters has passed away....im speaking of Cory Smoot aka Flattus Maximus from the legendary scumdogs of the universive, the mighty GWAR....details as to what caused his death have not yet been reported, just that he was found dead by his bandmates before heading to Canada to finish their North American tour....this world sux enough, its heartbreaking to lose another member of the metal community that has brought us so much joy and badass tunes throughtout the years...he will be missed