Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dread - Cerebral Mutation

this is the brand new full length album by Italy's answer to groovy kickass death metal, Dread...what, you haven't heard of them? thats because this is their first full length album and what an introduction they've made to the metal community! i love finding out about new bands...theres probably a new band started everyday somewhere in the world, but amidst all the garbage and bullshit thats out there, every once in awhile you come across a gem that makes the neverending quest of finding new music worth it all...this is a great rockin death metal album, simple as that...these guys toured last year with Jungle Rot, which makes a lot of sense because they have that same groovy, headbangin, mosh it up style of death metal that Jungle Rot plays so well...i expect this band to be going places, and then again maybe im wrong and they might never release another cd, who the fuck knows? but regardless, this album is a very good debut and definitely worth a listen

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